The Critical Role of Asset Inventory in Modern Network Security

Accurate asset inventory is not just a good practice—it’s a necessity. With increasing frequency, news headlines reveal the fallout from data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats that exploit gaps in network visibility. We’ve found that 76% of organizations believe they have an accurate understanding of their network infrastructure, however through RedSeal deployment, 100% of the time we find network devices, subnets, or paths that aren’t on a model. Security professionals know they need to be aware of assets within their environment, but how?

Bringing all assets and connections into a cohesive interactive model

Proper asset inventory is the backbone of effective network security. It ensures that every device, endpoint, and resource within your network is documented, tracked, and assessed for risk. RedSeal provides meticulous documentation of a network’s assets, while keeping the information current and complete. Without a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory, you risk vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.

What can you do with RedSeal?

  • Comprehensive discovery: RedSeal actively discovers and inventories all Layer 2 and Layer 3 network devices and endpoints, covering both IPv4 and IPv6 connected assets. This broad scope ensures that no device is left unaccounted for.
  • Cloud and SDN integration: In a world where cloud platforms and Software-Defined Networks (SDNs) are prevalent, RedSeal extends its reach to discover and inventory resources across multiple cloud environments and SDNs.
  • Business value assignment: RedSeal allows you to assign business value to assets, which can be done either automatically or manually. This feature is crucial for prioritizing risk analysis and understanding the potential impact of asset-related vulnerabilities.
  • Stale device identification: RedSeal helps identify stale devices, hosts, and credentials that may pose security risks, ensuring that your network remains clean and secure.
  • Data consolidation: Import, consolidate, deconflict, and store host data from various sources, including name, location, OS, access, installed patches, and applications. This consolidated view simplifies management and improves accuracy.
  • Missing device detection: RedSeal detects potentially missing devices and hosts not reflected in the current network model, helping you maintain an accurate and complete inventory.

Recent insights

Recent reports highlight how companies have faced severe security breaches due to incomplete asset inventories. For instance, MOVEit cyberattacks, one of the largest data thefts of 2023, underscores the urgent need for robust asset management practices, as more than 2,000 organizations including New York City’s public school system, and payroll solutions used by British Airways and BBC saw themselves at the center of the widespread attack.

The RedSeal advantage

In an era where cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, maintaining an accurate and comprehensive asset inventory is non-negotiable. From automatically discovering devices and creating a network inventory to continuously monitoring of the completeness and health of your inventory and with ability to accelerate capacity planning, disaster recovery, and new security design, RedSeal provides the tools necessary to ensure your network model reflects the full extent of your assets, helping you stay secure and resilient in a challenging landscape. Reach out to RedSeal or schedule a demo today to learn how to bolster your cybersecurity efforts and make the strategic move that promises long-term benefits and peace of mind.