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Tag Archive for: Ray Rothrock

Silicon Valley VC Plays His Final Encore as a Cybersecurity CEO

Silicon Valley Business Journal | Dec 14, 2017

After years as a successful venture capitalist in Silicon Valley, Ray Rothrock is spearheading the digital resilience movement as the chairman and CEO of cybersecurity firm RedSeal. An outspoken technological evangelist, Rothrock continues to be driven by his personal values, creativity and a desire to do good while also turning a profit.

Security vs. Resilience: Know the Difference

TechBeacon | May 5, 2017

By Ray Rothrock, RedSeal Chief Executive Officer

If you really want to know the difference between security and resilience, pour yourself a cup of strong coffee and dig into the all-but-impenetrable PPD-21, Presidential Policy Directive—Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Or just go to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website, which cuts to the chase with a few good examples of each…

Scan these two lists, and you come to an inescapable conclusion: Security and resilience are not synonyms or even second cousins. In fact, security and resilience have remarkably little to do with one another. The measures under the “security” list are about locking up. Those under “resilience” are about standing up. Security is about hunkering down. Resilience is about doing business.

7 Habits of a Resilient Business

Computer Business Review | May 4, 2017

By Ray Rothrock, RedSeal Chief Executive Officer

Here’s the reality: Bad things will happen, and your precautions and defenses will not stop every bad thing. However, this doesn’t mean there’s no hope. It’s quite the opposite, because you have a choice: you can either wish for the best, or decide to be – what the industry is calling: digitally resilient. There is no third alternative. If you choose to face reality and pursue resilience, you need to acquire, cultivate, and hone the seven habits that follow.

People, Capital and Continuous Monitoring


With Ray Rothrock, RedSeal Chief Executive Officer

MME: What are your priorities when it comes to growing this middle market business over the next 12 months?

“My job is to resource the company, people and capital, and maybe technology if that’s needed, but it’s mostly people because my priority is to grow this business globally as fast as I can, point one. Point two, we have a database and we’re doing a full conversion of that database so that we can actually get into a full, continuous monitoring across a massive, global network like a large company would have.

Right now, it’s batch. We run our softwares at batch and I want to run it continuously, so we’re in a transition. So, two things, advance sales globally and to get our database up so we can do this continuous monitoring because that’s where the future is. Those are the two things. And so what do I need for that? I need people, and so I need money, so I’m in the fundraising mode right now. That’s my number one job, that’s the key resource I can bring to RedSeal, capital.”

Building A Tougher Wall


By Ray Rothrock, RedSeal Chief Executive Officer

Ray Rothrock, chairman & CEO of RedSeal, examines the importance of digital resilience in the overall cybersecurity strategy.

Who says prevention is better than cure? Since the advent of networks and hacking, prevention, coupled with detection, has been the primary cyber strategy to counter cyberattacks. But, with the exponential increase in the pace and complexity of digital connections, and sophistication of the attackers, this approach is falling short as the recent Shamoon attacks in Saudi Arabia so clearly demonstrated.

Clearly, we need more and better prevention. But, here’s the cold, hard truth: It’s not a question of if your organisation will suffer a security breach but when – no matter how good your prevention is. Cyber-attacks are now so advanced that, should a hacker’s attention turn to your company, the attack will almost certainly succeed in getting inside your network.  Your mission should be to shut the attacker down – and fast.


When Talent and Capital Are Priority One

MIDDLE MARKET EXECUTIVE [Podcast] | February 14, 2017

With Ray Rothrock, RedSeal Chief Executive Officer

Pursuing a Cyber Vision: A Call for New Leadership Led an Investor to Roll Up His Sleeves

….It’s very noisy [and crowded in the cyber security market].  95% of those companies are focused on prevention and detection — which is necessary, but is not sufficient in today’s cyber environment with the threat field we are facing