Tag Archive for: Covid-19

How these C-suite leaders managed their teams and innovated during Covid-19

Silicon Valley Business Journal | March 9, 2021

Hear from members of this year’s C-Suite Award honorees, including RedSeal CTO Dr. Mike Lloyd, talk about how they approached leading their teams and innovating their products during the pandemic.

The Security Interviews: What CISOs can learn from Covid-19

Computer Weekly |  June 30, 2020

Mike Lloyd, CTO at Redseal, holds 21 cyber security patents and a PhD in stochastic epidemic modelling from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, so is probably the man to talk to when it comes to cyber security in the world of Covid-19.

More than three months into the global Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, we have all become familiar with the advice on how not to catch this mysterious and horrible disease, which some people seem to be able to shake off with ease, but for thousands of other survivors now appears to have life-changing consequences.

COVID-19 + Cybersecurity: Parallels and Lessons from a Pandemic

Nuclear Threat Initiative |  June 17, 2020

The following is a conversation between Dr. Mike Lloyd, an epidemiologist-turned-Chief Technology Officer of RedSeal, and Ray Rothrock, member of the NTI Board of Directors and its Science and Technology Advisory Group, and author of “Digital Resilience: Is Your Company Ready for the Next Cyber Threat.”

Ray: Mike, you’re a rare guy: you have both a PhD in epidemic modeling, and a long career in cybersecurity. Now both of your careers are relevant. Does this pandemic have anything to teach cybersecurity and technology?

Lessons for Cybersecurity From a Pandemic

Business Security Weekly |  May 12, 2020

The coronavirus has focused the world’s attention on disease spread like never before. This discussion will draw out some of the parallels that can inform how we do our work in cybersecurity, and that are helpful in communicating with the people who pay the bills. All the new vocabulary around “social distancing”, “contact tracing”, and “flattening the curve” is useful for our discussions in cybersecurity.

15 Effective Cybersecurity Strategies For Your Remote Workforce

Forbes | May 12, 2020

10. Know your access points.

The rush to work from home is a situation in which the prepared do better. It’s critical to keep an up-to-date network map to handle whatever comes along. For example, show where your VPN access points are and whether they have the correct access. Most organizations struggle to maintain a reliable map of their changing world, but it can be automated. – Mike Lloyd, RedSeal

What are the security priorities for the post-coronavirus world?

Computer Weekly |  May 11, 2020

Earlier in 2020, Computer Weekly and TechTarget published the results of our annual IT Priorities study, a wide-ranging look at what is currently top of mind for IT buyers. Amid overall softening budgets across the IT landscape, the survey reported that security and risk management were easily top of the heap, with cyber security coming to be seen as more important than cost.

For Redseal CTO Mike Lloyd, who besides 21 patents in cyber security holds a PhD in stochastic epidemic modelling, the future of security after Covid-19 looks uncertain, but then, he adds, isn’t the future always uncertain?

The new cybersecurity resilience

SC Magazine | May 1, 2020

Is your cybersecurity posture resilient enough to survive a pandemic? You’re about to find out.

The quick spread of COVID-19 has lent urgency to that mission and underscored the importance of building resilience. “Cyber, or digital resilience should be considered essential – like water, gas, and telephone/internet. Maintaining essential services that keep the lights on, keep people operating in their roles, and keep the digital world safe from attack is critical,” says RedSeal CEO Ray Rothrock, who penned the book Digital Resilience: Is Your Company Ready for the Next Cyber Threat?

4 Cybersecurity Lessons from the Pandemic

Dark Reading | April 16, 2020

An epidemiologist-turned-CTO describes the parallels between the spread of a computer virus and the real-world coronavirus.

I switched from epidemiology to network security as my day job years ago, but today’s pandemic reminds me of the similarities between the two fields. There are many lessons we can take from the real-world virus and apply them to security in the online world.