CSO Magazine calls RedSeal a “force multiplier for every other security device within a network,” and we want you to realize that benefit—as quickly as possible. Our professional services offerings are designed to provide business value from your RedSeal platform in short order and then extend its value further by optimizing it for your environment. We can also manage the platform for you on an ongoing basis.

And, if you’re like most of our customers, the shortage of skilled cybersecurity personnel combined with the number of cybersecurity products you own makes it difficult to get good business value from your cybersecurity investments.

RedSeal professional services is the solution.

The goal of any cybersecurity initiative is to identify, reduce and mitigate your cyber risk. The RedSeal cybersecurity risk management process has three steps:

  1. Know what you have on your network. If you don’t know what assets you have and where your vulnerabilities are, you can’t protect them.
  2. Understand which issues and gaps are most relevant. Prioritize your efforts.
  3. Make remediation decisions based on the findings.

This cybersecurity risk management process must be continuous—and it can be time-consuming. But RedSeal’s platform automates your risk assessments, so you can be confident, even with fewer skilled people to run them. RedSeal’s professional services team will set a program up for you—and run and manage it, if you wish.

RedSeal Build Project

The Build Project implements the RedSeal platform in your environment to begin delivering business value. The project establishes a security baseline and includes clear, agreed-upon deliverables including:

  • Network and inventory assessment
  • Network device configuration assessment
  • Vulnerability risk prioritization
  • A network model—built and validated

RedSeal Managed Subscriptions

Once your RedSeal platform is implemented and delivering value, there is much more that can be done. Your network will continue to change—and your organization will see other uses for RedSeal. To further refine and expand the business value you get, we offer three levels of subscription-based, ongoing professional services—the Managed Subscription at a Visibility, Compliance or Risk Management level. All three levels include a RedSeal security engineer who will work collaboratively with your cybersecurity teams on an ongoing basis to deliver various assessments and make prioritized recommendations to mitigate risks. You’ll also get our security engineer’s assessments and recommendations, plus RedSeal will optimize, upgrade and maintain your RedSeal Platform.

Cyber Visibility 

RedSeal’s Cloud—Cyber Visibility Assessment Package has the tools you need to drive your cyber visibility, compliance, and risk vulnerability efforts forward. It includes:

  • Network and endpoint inventory assessment
  • Secure configuration assessments
  • Knowledge transfer

Learn more about RedSeal Cloud—Cyber Visibility Assessment Package

 Cyber Compliance 

  • Network segmentation and compliance monitoring (PCI-DSS, NERC-CIP and internal policies)
  • Security change reviews

 Cyber Risk Management 

Fully Managed Services

RedSeal offers Fully Managed Services to make it simpler for customers to consume insights from RedSeal and achieve their security business outcomes – Cyber Visibility, Cyber Compliance, and Cyber Risk Management.

For more information, visit our Fully Managed Services page.

Custom Services

RedSeal also offers professional services to meet your specific needs, such as integrating RedSeal with your business process systems or implementing your organization’s custom best practices.

Health Check Service

If you haven’t used your RedSeal installation in a few months, or have new members of your team, or have an increased number of remote workers, we offer a Health Check Service. A RedSeal security engineer will review your deployment with you, showing how RedSeal can help with your security business goals, as well as providing recommendations to return your platform to an operationalized state.

Learn more about RedSeal Health Check Service

RedSeal Assessment Services

Secure Remote Work Assessment

Cyber Cloud Inventory Assessment

Cyber Cloud Access Assessment

Cyber Visibility Assessment

Health Check Service

Managed Service

RedSeal Service Offerings

Cloud Cyber Inventory Assessment

Cyber Visibility Assessment

Health Check Service

Secure Remote Work Assessment

Managed Service

Cyber Cloud Access Assessment

Professional Services