The RedSeal platform proactively identifies and prioritizes network security risks

RedSeal is a network exposure management platform that identifies business assets in a hybrid network that are exposed to risks and delivers the insights needed to manage those risks—and stay ahead of threats. It is the missing link in today’s cybersecurity tech stack because it spots the network flaws and defensive gaps other tools can’t see until it’s too late. From hybrid IT to OT to IoT, RedSeal serves as a single source of truth that improves efficiency and collaboration among teams responsible for keeping networks safe, sound, and compliant.

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Gain comprehensive visibility and understanding of your network

Visualize every asset in your network—on premises and in the cloud, known and unknown—and understand how everything is connected. RedSeal builds an accurate asset inventory, topology map, and interactive model (digital twin) of your entire hybrid environment that are continually updated as the network and threat landscape evolve.


Evaluate all possible access to discover and assess every exposure

RedSeal thinks like an adversary, at the network level, to find devices and subnets your teams don’t know about and connectivity they never intended to create. In a few clicks, RedSeal shows you all the ways threats can both enter and spread laterally throughout your network—hop-by-hop and exposure-to-exposure—revealing the precise unwanted access putting your assets at risk.


Focus teams on addressing high-risk, high-impact exposures first

RedSeal validates and prioritizes all exposures according to their risk radius and delivers detailed information to accelerate mitigation and remediation efforts. Risk radius is calculated by analyzing data from vulnerability scanners and other security tools combined with business and network context—an unmatched situational awareness only RedSeal delivers—to ​reflect the true impact to the organization.


Monitor compliance with policies, mandates, and best practices

RedSeal continually runs checks against best practices, external regulations, and internal or custom policies—from governmental regulations and industry standards to segmentation, configuration, and password policies—to validate compliance and alert stakeholders of violations. It also runs security impact analyses (“what-if” simulations) to test and verify changes prior to being implemented.


Measure your progress and prove your team’s effectiveness

Resources and budgets are scarce. RedSeal delivers the executive-level dashboards and detailed reporting you need to prove that your team is measurably reducing risk and strengthening your security posture. With RedSeal’s Digital Resilience Score—modeled after a credit score—you have a single, powerful metric to monitor over time that the management team and board can understand.

Ready to meet RedSeal?

Get the network understanding you’re missing to work smarter and faster in the battle against cyber risk.