Cloud Security

Secure your cloud-based network.

Virtual private cloud offerings, like those from Amazon Web Services (AWS), are a flexible answer for both computing and fast deployment of new network infrastructure. But cloud-based networks can leave you unsure about who has access to your data.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

RedSeal supports Amazon’s virtual private cloud (Amazon VPC) to give you the cloud security, policy management, visibility and control you need to move data securely into the cloud. With RedSeal, you can analyze network topology, access controls, and general configuration of your networks in Amazon VPC. RedSeal cloud security and policy management lets you optimize AWS’s security groups and access controls, and reduce change management risk to your cloud-based systems.

AWS Config

AWS Config lets you track and store the history of Amazon VPC configurations and changes in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and strengthen the defenses of your AWS-based networks. You can:

  • Analyze risk in near real time.

    AWS Config notifies RedSeal about changes to the Amazon VPC deployment and initiates data import and analysis of the changes. You can analyze risk in near real time as you make changes to your Amazon VPC.

  • Validate policy compliance instantly.

    To ensure secure access and limit exposure, cloud policy management allows you to define access policies and guidelines and validate any Amazon VPC changes against them.

  • Verify conformance with industry best practices.

    You can check your cloud-based network, as you do with your physical networks.

  • Validate full Amazon VPC configuration.

    Combining AWS Config with RedSeal helps you verify and validate all configuration aspects of your VPC setup and its changes over time.