Congress Republicans rebuff Obama cyber budget effort

Tech Target | February 10, 2016

President Barack Obama is going all-in on cementing his cyber legacy this week with his budget proposal for fiscal…

Obama Launches National Cybersecurity Action Plan, Calls for $19 Billion

Signal Magazine | February 9, 2016

President Barack Obama championed cybersecurity efforts Tuesday in seeking $19 billion for the cause as part of his fiscal year 2017 budget proposal. Additionally, he signed two executive orders to seek to strengthen government networks against cyber attacks while protecting personal information.

New Products of the Week 2.8.2016

Network World | February 8, 2016
RedSeal Cybersecurity Analytics Platform

Key features: RedSeal introduced new incident response, metrics, and increased automation capabilities. The new features will speed time to finding cybersecurity issues, allowing organizations to visualize, measure and improve their digital resilience.

Ray Rothrock: “Assume attackers are in your system”

SC Magazine | January 26, 2016

As cyber attacks increase, IT departments continue to be challenged by older techniques, such as targeted phishing attacks because the attacks bypass perimeter defenses and are difficult to prevent. Ray Rothrock, CEO of RedSeal Networks, spoke with on how to mitigate risks.

Security Now: 9 Experts, 5 Bullish Predictions

Channel Partners Online | Jan 13, 2016

“Technology that encourages and promotes intelligence, preparedness and response also will take a radically increased profile in cybersecurity through 2016 and beyond — so organizations will invest more heavily in security solutions that deliver deeper understanding and analysis of their structural, digital and network maps. These types of security technologies will have massive impact on organizations in 2016.” —Ray Rothrock, CEO, RedSeal

Blog: Planning, Training and Automation Are Key to Successful Cyber Hunting

SIGNAL Magazine | Jan 12, 2016

Experts need to write scripts to parse through mountains of data and leverage analytic tools that automate the search. RedSeal’s Chief Technology Officer, Mike Lloyd, likes to say: “We don’t need more mountains of data; we need more data mountaineers.”

Using Technology to Drive Diversity in Your Business

Huffington Post | Jan 12, 2016

Removing bias can start with something as seemingly innocuous as a job post. In one case reported by NPR, cybersecurity firm RedSeal used a program from Unitive to adjust their job descriptions: “Job applications shot up 30 percent, and the percentage of women among the company’s three-dozen engineers has doubled.”

For Enterprise Cyber Security, Think Modern Metropolis, not Fortress

Information Security Buzz | Jan 1, 2016

Once upon a time, cyber security was like a bank vault. We built thick walls and a big door and we put an armed guard out front. This was more than enough to keep valuable assets secure, because we didn’t have sensitive corporate data and credentials sitting on multiple servers and devices outside a business’s physical headquarters.  Read Dr. Mike Lloyd’s byline about the best way to secure an enterprise network.

CEO Ray Rothrock on The Cybersecurity Domino Effect

Infosecurity Magazine | Dec 30, 2015

Almost 400 years ago, the English cleric and poet John Donne penned these immortal words: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

Sublime as that sentiment certainly is, it also describes the cold reality of today’s business environment—our large, dynamic and complex networks are all interconnected, and all interdependent.

This is why we now see numerous high-profile stories about a breach of one company’s network causing serious problems for others in its supply chain. Strap yourselves in: unless we work hard to make things much better, they’re going to get much worse.

RedSeal 2016 Predictions: What 2016 Holds for Cybersecurity

VMBlog | Dec 23, 2015

2015 could have been just another year of data breaches and flawed cyberdefense, but it’s also been a year when cybersecurity conversations have become more prevalent in the boardroom. Business leaders are getting a better understanding of the significance cybersecurity has to the overall wellbeing of their organizations. A lot of work is yet to be done to bridge the cybersecurity awareness gap between IT pros and the C-suite, but after reflecting on what we’ve learned this past year, here are some things we expect to see in 2016: