Entries by RedSeal

Your Security Has Been Compromised

On an autumn day in 2008 while I was an active, practicing journalist, I sat in my office and interviewed Todd Davis, CEO of LifeLock for my article on scanning the underbelly of the web. Todd is perhaps best known for appearing in ubiquitous advertising and broadcasting his Social Security Number. At the time, it […]

Inside the Mind of an Attacker — Part 2

Recently, on a rainy Colorado afternoon, I sat down at my kitchen table to decide how I was going to upgrade our home security system. Just as anyone who has gone through this process would do, I walked around the house and looked at all of the possible ways an intruder could attempt to enter. […]

Inside the mind of an attacker

This morning, I woke up, walked downstairs, and performed my morning rituals, including a review of OmniFocus on my iPad to see what was on tap for today. I looked at my list of projects, my next actions, and those items that are due in the next few days. Then, I went to work.

In […]

Defending Against Botnets

Botnets have been around for many years, but Distil Networks’ recently-released research shows that their use not only continues to grow dramatically, but that use is becoming more sophisticated. In having the bots focus their attacks during off-hours, the attackers may have a greater window of opportunity for damage before discovery.

This underscores the need […]

RedSeal Hires Key Executives To Lead Product Management and Customer Satisfaction Teams

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — April 23, 2014 — RedSeal, Inc.(redseal.co), the provider of end-to-end network visibility and analytics to prevent cyber attacks, today announced that continuing in its mission to attract top-tier industry talent, the company has hired Martin Walter as the new Senior Director of Product Management, and Robert Capps as the Senior Director […]

RedSeal Networks Announces New Chief Architect to Guide Design of Next-Generation Solution

SANTA CLARA, Calif.–April 1, 2014–(BUSINESS WIRE)–RedSeal Networks, the end-to-end provider of network visibility and analytics to prevent cyber attacks, announced today that it has appointed a new chief architect, Mike Eynon, to spearhead the design of the company’s next-generation solution. Eynon was founder and CTO at Silver Tail Systems Inc., which delivers a leading-edge suite […]

RedSeal Networks’ Dr. Mike Lloyd Recognized as CTO of the Year

SANTA CLARA, Calif.–March 5, 2014 –RedSeal Networks, the end-to-end provider of network visibility and analytics to prevent cyber attacks, announced today that Info Security Products Guide, the leading information security research and advisory guide, has named Dr. Mike Lloyd as “CTO of the Year” in their 10th Annual Global Excellence award program.

Dr. Lloyd’s vision […]