Entries by RedSeal

7 tips for modernizing data management

CIO | January 25, 2021

Data is an enterprise’s most valuable and enduring asset, serving as the foundation for both digital strategy and transformation. Yet maintaining a strong grip on rapidly spiraling amounts of data scattered across public and private clouds, as well as in on-premises environments, requires […]

Simplifying security: how to navigate the integration challenge

Computer Fraud & Security | January 2021

We deploy a lot of security technology, but breaches continue. Either we’re bad at this or the game is stacked against us.

It turns out it’s the latter – there are structural reasons why security remains so elusive. We’re short staffed, up against a heavily automated […]

Key learnings, how to prepare and the next big thing in security

VM Blog | January 15, 2021

The rules of the security game keep changing. We were finally getting close to perfecting the art of securing data centers and VPNs, when along came cloud, multiple cloud environments, and a pandemic forcing many of us to work remotely, disrupting all aspects of work and home life.

From […]

Security Think Tank: The year of the work-from-home hangover

Computer Weekly | 4 January 2021

After a year of unprecedented disruption thanks to Covid-19, it looks like remote working is set to remain with us for now, which means security strategies will change in 2021. What will this change look like, and what tools and services will be selling like hot cakes?

How Can We Vaccinate Our Networks?

Security Weekly | December 29, 2020


The news is flooded with updates regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.  Cyberattacks are targeting the vaccine supply chain.  Phishing attacks are exploiting sign-ups for the vaccine.  There are even attacks to get access to vaccine data.  Sounds a lot like our enterprises every day!  We’re all learning about human […]

The List of Known SolarWinds Breach Victims Grows, as Do Attack Vectors

Data Center Knowledge | December 23, 2020


The SolarWinds breach story continues to get worse.

The list of known victims now includes US departments of Commerce, Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, State, the Treasury, and Health.

More worrisome for those responsible for cybersecurity at enterprise data centers, however, are the technology vendors that allowed the […]

Network Middle East: The Next Big Thing in Security

Network Middle East | December 2020 (Page 29)

Dr. Mike Lloyd, CTO at RedSeal, on “the next big thing in security”

We are in unprecedented times and no one can truly predict what lies ahead. What do we know is that threat actors are on the lookout for vulnerabilities and the sudden move to remote […]

Tool Sprawl – The Cybersecurity Challenge of 2021

Solutions Review | December 14, 2020

It’s not news that the pace of change in IT is extremely fast. What’s less well-known is the downside — tool sprawl. IT teams innovate at a breakneck pace, picking up whatever innovations suit their immediate needs. Security, in contrast, must protect the old applications that are still around, […]

7 SecOps roles and responsibilities for the modern enterprise

SearchSecurity | December 7, 2020

Security operations, or SecOps, has had a direct, if increasingly challenging, mandate since the dawn of enterprise networking: detect, respond to, predict and prevent cyberattacks. But SecOps roles and responsibilities are shifting to accommodate growing interest in an offensive, rather than defensive, approach to cybersecurity. By staying ahead of threats […]