Entries by RedSeal

Does Improving Cybersecurity Begin with Improving the Acquisitions Process?

Government Technology Insider | December 11, 2018

With Kimberly Baker, RedSeal Senior Vice President and GM Public Sector

The ability to secure federal data, networks, and assets is impacted by the ability of agency cyber leaders to access required technology. They need to continually respond to well-resourced adversaries that are constantly evolving the mechanisms of […]

Scanning for Flaws, Scoring for Security

Krebs on Security | December 2018

“You can, of course, establish some important things about the quality of a building from a photograph, but it’s no substitute for really being able to inspect it from the inside,” Dr. Mike Lloyd told Dark Reading regarding the Chamber/FICO announcement in October.

Digital Resilience: Book Review by Azure Yu

By Azure Yu, Titans Briefs, The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business


Cyberattacks are inevitable and costly in today’s intensively connected world. Undergoing cyberattacks will be the norm rather than the exception for all kinds of organizations, and these attacks will usually have devastating consequences. To survive in this hostile […]

Business Feel Let Down By UK Government on Cybersecurity

UK Businesses Are Asking the Government to Provide More Support Around Cybersecurity Issues in 2019

LONDON, UK – Monday 10th December, 2018 – Has a sensitive political and business environment in 2018 deflected attention away from security and left UK businesses less prepared for cyberattack? New research* has revealed that UK businesses are […]

7 Common Breach Disclosure Mistakes

Dark Reading | December 7, 2018

When a breach happens, speed and clarity are vital, adds Mike Lloyd, CTO at RedSeal. Organizations that have fared badly after a breach have always been the entities that mishandled the disclosure, took too long to disclose, miscommunicated the details, or tried to cover up the issues, he […]

Using RedSeal to Fix Cracks in the Foundation          

Written By Nate L. Cash, RedSeal Senior Network Security Engineer

A house is only as strong as its foundation. You want to ensure that water can’t enter your foundation, or it will compromise the strength of the house. In technology that foundation is your network and hackers are the water. Like water, hackers will slowly […]

RedSeal Named Bronze Award Winner for Best Network Security Solution at the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards

American Security Today | November 29, 2018

American Security Today (AST) has named RedSeal the Bronze Award Winner in the category of Best Network Security Solution at the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards.

The Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards is the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program highlighting the most cutting-edge and forward-thinking security solutions coming onto the […]

Building a Cyber Resilience Plan: Insights and Tactics

Government Technology Insider | November 14, 2018

With Dr. Mike Lloyd, RedSeal CTO

In part one of our discussion with Dr. Mike Lloyd of RedSeal, he shared the steps that form the basis of a cyber resilience plan so that agencies can take to limit – and recover from – the impact of a cyberattack. […]

Bouncing Back After a Breach: A Q&A with Dr. Mike Lloyd of RedSeal

Government Technology Insider | November 13, 2018

With Dr. Mike Lloyd, RedSeal CTO

While preventing a cyberattack is often the sole focus of many security strategies, the reality is, your organization is likely to suffer a breach or other disruption to network operations. How you prepare for an inevitable break-in can make all the difference. […]

RedSeal Bolsters Digital Resilience Platform to Deliver Most Comprehensive Model of Enterprise Data Centers

Exclusive new features give enterprises ability to strengthen security posture with greater visibility into and across their cyber terrain

SUNNYVALE, Calif. – November 13, 2018 – RedSeal today announced the latest upgrade to its award-winning network modeling and risk scoring platform, trusted by more than 50 U.S. government agencies and hundreds of Global 2000 […]