Entries by RedSeal

RedSeal Named TMC 2019 Cloud Security Excellence Award Winner

Cloud Computing Magazine | December 23, 2019

For the third year in a row, RedSeal received Technology Marketing Corporation’s Cloud Computing Security Excellence Award. The awards, presented by Cloud Computing magazine, honor solutions in two categories: those that most effectively leverage cloud platforms to deliver network security, and those providing security for cloud applications.

It’s Time to Act: Establish a Secretary of Cybersecurity (Contributed)

Government Technology | December 19, 2019

All levels of government, as well as the private sector, face growing dangers from cyberthreats. That’s why there needs to be a centralized approach to cyberpolicies before a crisis occurs.

Today, the United States is in a very similar place when it comes to cybersecurity: cyberthreats challenge our economy, […]

Securing the Supply Chain Against Cyber Disruption

Loss Prevention Magazine | December 11, 2019

Just like a physical chain, a supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Today’s issues are about networks of interdependence. We extract major economic benefits from modern supply chains, because each organization can focus on its core mission or specialty. This narrowing of focus is […]

Forget Cybersecurity

Corporate Board Member| December 6, 2019

Cyber risk is a board-level issue because a breach can crush a company’s stock price, tarnish its reputation and scare off customers and partners. A study by the Ponemon Institute revealed that a company’s stock price drops an average of 5 percent immediately after a breach is exposed. The study further […]

Get to Know NTI: Ray Rothrock

Nuclear Threat Initiative – Atomic Pulse | December 2, 2019

Ray Rothrock is a member of NTI’s Board of Directors and its Science and Technology Advisory Group. He has three decades of business leadership—investing in, advising and leading many of the technology and cybersecurity companies that form the fabric of today’s networks. He is partner emeritus at Venrock, the […]

UK IT Pros: Brexit Will Increase Skills Shortages

Infosecurity Magazine | November 27, 2019

Over 90% of UK IT professionals believe Brexit will make chronic industry skills shortages even worse, according to new research from RedSeal.

The security vendor polled 502 IT professionals to gain greater insight into the skills challenges facing the country.

In total, 87% of CIOs and senior IT pros admitted […]

UK Business at Risk as Cyber Skills Gap Reaches Breaking Point

A new, in-depth piece of research* conducted amongst UK CIOs and senior IT professionals has revealed that the cybersecurity skills gap has reached a crisis point, putting British business on the backfoot in the ongoing war against online fraud and cybercrime. This cybersecurity industry study from digital resilience experts RedSeal, unearthed major concerns about business’ ability to develop, attract and retain personnel with the right skillset to stand up against an ever growing threat landscape.

The smart tech threat to CEOs

TechRadar | November 7, 2019

The cybersecurity industry talks a lot about the importance of “board-level buy-in” for projects and a security-by-design culture led from the “top down”. What does that actually mean? It means CEOs and senior managers who “get” security: leaders who know that security done right can be a competitive differentiator and […]