Entries by RedSeal

Huawei warning: Expert reveals how spy could EASILY hack into UK’s 5G network

Daily Express | February 8, 2020

Boris Johnson’s decision to allow Huawei continued access to the UK’s 5G network could lead to a serious threat to the country, a leading expert has warned.The Chinese firm will be allowed to access 35 percent of the UK’s network, which includes its radio networks. Huawei will also […]

14 Top Data Security Risks Every Business Should Address

Forbes | January 30, 2020

6. Managing The Increasingly Complex Digital Business Environment

Data breaches happen because it’s hard to do anything consistently at scale. Our top risk is failing to follow basic rules 100% of the time in a growing, changing, increasingly complex digital business environment. Attackers are like ants in a […]

10 Hot Cybersecurity Companies To Follow In February 2020

Cybercrime Magazine | January 20, 2020

Cybersecurity is one of the most urgent world issues, meaning February 2020 is no time for indifference. A new year invariably brings new threats as the news cycle is dominated by high-profile hacks and disastrous cases of negligence.

3. RedSeal

San Jose’s RedSeal saw the light of day in 2004 and […]

The Latest CISO Headache – IoT

Sm@rt SMB | January 2020 (Page 30)

There’s a saying in the security world : “If it’s on the network, it belongs to the CISO.” Dr. Mike Lloyd, RedSeal CTO, discusses some steps the CISO can undertake where traditional techniques don’t seem to have an answer in securing IoT infrastructure.

What’s in Store? Cybersecurity in 2020

TahawulTech | January 2020 (Page 12)

What do you think will be the key drivers for security spending?

We are mid-way through the transition to the cloud, leaving most networks as a complex hybrid. Managing that complexity will be a major spending driver. Another key driver is compliance as the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, […]

12 Strategies To Get Your Staff To Stay On Top Of Software Updates

Forbes | January 16, 2020

A big irony in security is that the more critical a system is, the less likely it is to be patched well! To keep critical systems available, teams often deprioritize security. While security is abstract, an unavailable system is tangible and immediate. Security teams need to make the risk real […]

How Defense Contractors Should Prepare for a Cyber Proxy War With Iran

ClearanceJobs | January 10, 2020

A plan of action should include some key fundamentals, explained Wayne Lloyd, federal CTO for RedSeal, a cyber terrain modeling company. This can include: Identifying critical data and where it is housed; knowing what assets – physical and virtual – are on your network; hardening your network devices, making sure […]

What’s your agency’s cyber resiliency score?

FedScoop | January 8, 2020

Eighteen months have passed since that day on June 27, 2017, when an IT administrator, working for the world’s largest shipping conglomerate, watched helplessly as one computer monitor screen after another in Maersk’s Copenhagen headquarters went black.

The question as we head into 2020 is, what lessons can we take […]

Network Resilience vs. Cyber Resilience

SIGNAL Magazine | January 6, 2020

There are certainly similarities between network resilience and cyber resilience. The foundation for both is the ability to maintain business or mission capabilities during an event, such as a backhoe cutting your fiber cables or a nation-state actively exploiting your network. But there are also significant differences.

Can the UK government’s efforts solve the cyber skills gap?

Computer Weekly | December 30, 2019

The scarcity of skilled cyber security workers in Europe is getting worse, with just under two-thirds of employers saying they are now short of staff, according to the latest report from (ISC)2.

Mike Lloyd, chief technology officer at cyber risk modelling platform provider RedSeal, says that what is required […]