Ray Rothrock, Executive Chairman, RedSeal, Author at RedSeal

Entries by Ray Rothrock, Executive Chairman, RedSeal

When Talent and Capital Are Priority One

MIDDLE MARKET EXECUTIVE [Podcast] | February 14, 2017

With Ray Rothrock, RedSeal Chief Executive Officer

Pursuing a Cyber Vision: A Call for New Leadership Led an Investor to Roll Up His Sleeves

….It’s very noisy [and crowded in the cyber security market].  95% of those companies are focused on prevention and detection — which is […]

Security Industry Reactions to the Yahoo! Breach

THE CYBER WIRE | September 28. 2016

Last week’s disclosure by Yahoo! that somewhat more than 500 million customers’ credentials had been compromised in a breach dating back to 2014 has prompted widespread reaction from industry experts. The incident has implications for Yahoo!’s consumer trust; it also is seen as likely to affect, adversely, the […]

To Maintain Democracy, Digital Networks Must Be Improved

ThirdCertainty | September 13, 2016

Automation, segmentation and continuous oversight of voting systems will strengthen trust in government

By Ray Rothrock, RedSeal CEO

As the presidential election enters its home stretch, the Democratic National Convention cyber hack and issues with local voting machines have made cybersecurity part of the election story. After the election, I […]

Digital Resilience: A Better Way to Cybersecurity

CIOReview | September 12, 2016

By Ray Rothrock, CEO, RedSeal

Who says prevention is better than cure? Since the advent of networks and hacking, prevention, coupled with detection, has been the primary cyber strategy to counter cyberattack. But, with the exponential increase in the pace and complexity of digital connections, and sophistication of the attackers, […]