RedSeal: The Key to Comprehensive Attack Surface Management

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations face an ever-increasing number of cyber threats. As highlighted by recent industry reports, traditional network operations solutions often fall short in providing the necessary visibility and control to manage and mitigate these threats effectively. This gap underscores the critical importance of comprehensive attack surface management (ASM) solutions.

Why Network Operation Solutions Fall Short

Limited Visibility and Context

Traditional network management tools are primarily designed to monitor and maintain network performance. While they excel at identifying performance bottlenecks and ensuring operational uptime, they often lack the ability to provide a complete and continuous view of an organization’s attack surface. This limitation becomes especially pronounced in complex, multi-cloud environments where assets are dispersed across various platforms and locations.

Incomplete Asset Inventories

Effective attack surface management begins with a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of all digital assets. This includes not only the assets themselves but also their locations, the software they run, access permissions, and associated security controls. Traditional tools frequently struggle to maintain such detailed inventories, particularly in dynamic environments where assets and configurations are continually changing.

Inadequate Risk Prioritization

Identifying vulnerabilities is only the first step in securing an organization’s digital environment. The real challenge lies in prioritizing these vulnerabilities based on their potential impact. Traditional network management solutions often lack the advanced analytics required to assess and prioritize risks effectively. This can lead to inefficient use of resources and leave critical vulnerabilities unaddressed.

Performance Over Security

Many network operations solutions are primarily focused on ensuring network performance and availability. While these are important aspects of IT management, they do not address the dynamic and evolving nature of cyber threats. Effective cybersecurity requires a proactive approach that includes continuous monitoring, risk assessment, and the implementation of robust security measures.

The RedSeal Advantage

At RedSeal, we understand the complexities and challenges associated with managing an organization’s attack surface. Our platform provides the comprehensive visibility and contextual intelligence needed to secure your digital environment effectively.

Comprehensive Network Visualization

RedSeal offers detailed network visualization, allowing organizations to see their entire network, including cloud and on-premises environments. This holistic view is crucial for identifying and managing all assets, understanding access paths, and ensuring that security controls are properly implemented.

Continuous Monitoring and Risk Assessment

Our platform continuously monitors the network for changes and potential vulnerabilities. By maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all assets and their configurations, RedSeal keeps organizations ahead of evolving threats. Advanced analytics enable the prioritization of vulnerabilities based on their potential impact, ensuring that resources are used efficiently to address the most critical risks first.

Proactive Security Measures

At RedSeal, we proactively implement and maintain robust security measures for customers, including network segmentation, access control, and the continuous monitoring of security policies. This proactive stance reduces the attack surface and mitigates the risk of cyberattacks.

Continuous Compliance

RedSeal safeguards a full range of critical compliance and governance requirements with over 125 built-in integrations, ensuring adherence to external requirements, internal policies, and best practices.

In the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, traditional network operations solutions are often inadequate for comprehensive attack surface management. RedSeal is the advanced and critical platform needed to visualize, monitor, and secure your entire digital environment effectively. By leveraging RedSeal’s platform, an organization’s cybersecurity posture is significantly enhance, attack path surfaces are reduced, and critical assets are protected against cyber threat.
