RedSeal Response to Log4j Vulnerability

Dear Customer,

The purpose of this message is to outline the steps you can take using your RedSeal system to:

  1. Get the list of hosts and devices that have the Log4j vulnerability
    • This list can be exported into a ticketing system or provided as a spreadsheet to your mitigation teams
  2. Gain visibility into the access from and to Untrusted Sources to the vulnerable hosts and devices
  3. Use the actionable insights to put in place compensating controls to mitigate the risk

RedSeal is aware of the recent vulnerabilities related to Log4j, and RedSeal Classic software is not vulnerable. Please contact our RedSeal support at if you have more questions.

This note applies to customers using RedSeal and importing vulnerability data into RedSeal from scanners and the customer.


  1. Updated the scan vendor’s product so that the Scan Library includes the Log4j Vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, and CVE-2021-4104
  2. Completed either a partial scan, or ideally a “Full Scan” of the network
  3. Downloaded the latest RedSeal TRL that includes the above-mentioned vulnerabilities
    • This was published on the RedSeal Support site on 12-17-2021 at 2pm Pacific Standard Time
  4. Perform a Data Collection task on your Scanner
  5. Run RedSeal analysis

These Steps show the processes to identify vulnerable hosts and devices, and then show Untrusted Source access to hosts and devices, and also the access from the hosts and devices to an untrusted destination. This is important in being able to prioritize your mitigation efforts.

The Methodology is called Discover Investigate and Act. In the case of Log4j: Discover infected devices and host, Investigate access paths to and from untrusted areas, and then provide data to immediately Act upon.


Update from December 15, 2021:

This note is the second update related to the Log4j vulnerability and impact on the RedSeal Classic product.

RedSeal is aware of the two additional vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-45046 and CVE-2021-4104) impacting the Apache Log4j utility reported on December 14, 2021. We have analyzed both disclosures, but neither changes the conclusions as per our message on December 13, 2021. All versions of RedSeal Classic are not vulnerable to the three reported CVEs.

As a proactive measure, RedSeal will be upgrading the Log4j beginning RedSeal 9.5.3 and forward and send additional communication via email and post updates on the RedSeal support portal.

If you have further questions, please contact RedSeal support at


Original Message December 13, 2021:

RedSeal is aware of the recent vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) impacting the Apache Log4j2 utility reported on December 10, 2021. Log4j2 is a popular open-source, Java-based logging framework commonly incorporated into Apache web servers and many other java applications.

In all versions of RedSeal, the JDK environment ships with a default setting that prevents exploitation of the above-reported vulnerability. External research by CrowdStrike and others indicate that certain JDK’s include a setting that prevents exploitation, and RedSeal Classic is built on one of the improved JDK versions.

RedSeal engineering is continuing further testing and evaluation and will be communicating if there are any further steps customers should take on RedSeal support portal.

If you have further questions, please contact RedSeal support at

Visibility: The key to proper Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud security has become increasingly complex and distributed. The rapid transition to remote work and increased cloud adoption have changed the IT landscape dramatically, which has produced new vectors for cyber attacks and data breaches. Today’s cyber criminals aren’t necessarily trying to knock down doors. Organizations are actually leaving many of them open themselves. According to Gartner, through 2023, “…at least 99% of cloud security failures will be the customer’s fault.”

This is an unsettling prediction, but not entirely surprising given realities that teams face today. The overwhelming complexity of the cloud systems asks for both expertise in both application development and security, which is perhaps unreasonable. The placement of security controls has moved away from security teams and into application development teams.

CSPM: The industry’s response to cloud complexity

To deal with this complexity and constant change, a new market segment has emerged broadly referred to as Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), which is typically used by security organizations that want the equivalent visibility and security that they’ve had with on-premise environments.

Current CSPM technology aims to help security teams understand what resources they have in their cloud environments, what security controls are in place, how it is all really configured–and to automate as much of it as possible. And while it is largely successful in accomplishing these feats, CSPM in its current form isn’t without its limitations. As we’ve learned in the past with our approach to securing on-premise networks, visibility plays a fundamental role.

The importance of visibility

It’s not uncommon for organizations to lose track of their cloud deployments over time, considering it only takes a developer and a department credit card to spin up a cloud environment. Nowadays developers are empowered to innovate at speed and scale but who is actually keeping track of these newly-created multi-cloud VPCs, VNETs, and VCNs? Even more worrisome–who is responsible for securing them?

There are always unknowns when networks grow and change, but we also know that tools that provide visibility can give security teams a more accurate, dynamic and comprehensive look at what resources they have, how they are connected and the risks associated with them.

Unfortunately, many CSPM tools present their findings in static, tabular forms and it can be challenging to get an understanding of the relationships between resources, such as between multiple accounts and whether they’re shared or not. Teams are often being asked to secure unmonitored cloud environments and can benefit from a visual, interactive model of their organization’s cloud resources.

This visibility allows security teams to gain full awareness of their cloud footprint and reduce their overall attack surface by understanding the interconnectivity between their resources. Some CSPM tools can show connectivity where there is traffic, but security teams want to calculate how an instance gets to the Internet, what security points it goes through, and through which port and protocols.

Understanding end-to-end access

Current CSPM solutions remain insufficient when it comes to accurately calculating access that can lead to data breaches. Many tools simply call into the APIs of CSPs looking for misconfigurations at the compute and container levels but they don’t fully understand “end-to-end” access. For example, they may only look at a setting in AWS that states a particular subnet is “public” so therefore it’s exposed. That’s not necessarily true because there may have other security controls in place, such as 3rd party firewalls or their own Kubernetes security policy.

For example, perhaps a network security engineer who doesn’t understand native AWS and Azure firewalls instead decides to use a 3rd party firewall from a vendor they’re already familiar with. If that firewall is blocking access to the public-facing Internet, current CSPM tools won’t recognize it, and security engineers can spend their days chasing false positives simply due to a lack of accurate information involving access.

Prioritizing exposed resources

With increased cloud complexity comes increased risk–there were over 200 reported breaches in the past 2 years due to misconfigured cloud deployments. Several of the largest data breaches occurred when cloud misconfigurations left critical resources exposed to untrusted networks, so prioritization efforts should begin there. Unintended access and Shadow IT can also lead to cloud leaks, and so by establishing an “exposure first” security approach, cloud security teams can identify key vulnerabilities and prevent costly breaches.

CSPM is a key ally in the fight to secure the cloud, but security teams need additional visibility and improved accuracy that is still lacking in many

For more information on RedSeal’s CSPM solution, RedSeal Stratus, check out our website. Or sign up for the Pilot program.

Lock Up Your Jewels: Reducing Exposure and Limiting Risk in a Ransomware-Riddled World

Ransomware is on the rise. That’s an often-repeated statement in the headlines — but what does it really mean for companies?

Data tells the tale. According to Tech Republic, attacks surged 57 percent between October 2020 and March 2021, while Purple Sec’s 2021 Cyber Security Trends Report notes that ransomware attacks have grown 350 percent since 2018. What’s more, the average ransomware payment rose by 82 percent to $570,000, with the largest single ransom demand coming in at $100 million.

Now that attackers have successfully breached some business networks, companies are understandably worried about the risk of data exfiltration leading to downtime or revenue losses. As Security Boulevard points out, companies now spend almost $2 million to recover after an attack and, on average, suffer 21 days of downtime. Even more worrisome? Paying up doesn’t guarantee the return of encrypted data. Attackers may decide to keep or destroy data or return for another round of attacks once they know payment is possible.

What’s the bottom line? Reducing exposure and limiting risk requires more than recognizing that ransomware is on the rise. To combat these attacks and safeguard what matters, companies need solid strategies backed by advanced cybersecurity solutions.

Ransomware Attacks in the Headlines

Although attackers often target smaller businesses to reduce the risk of getting caught, that hasn’t stopped some groups from prioritizing bigger payouts. Case in point: The Colonial Pipeline attack. On May 7th, 2021, staff found a digital ransom note saying that attackers had already exfiltrated data from Colonial’s network. The company immediately suspended both IT and operations, leading to sudden interruptions in fuel delivery along the East Coast. Within a day, Colonial paid the $5 million ransom and began getting their systems re-secured and back online.

Also making the news were attacks using the REvil ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) suite. According to the Department of Justice, a Ukrainian national was arrested in conjunction with attacks spanning the last three years, including the July 2021 attack of information technology company Kaseya. While Kaseya says it didn’t pay the ransom demanded, it took the company ten days to recover from the attack and bring their software-as-a-service (SaaS) servers back online.

Why is Ransomware on the Rise?

So what’s driving the rise of ransomware? Several factors are converging that make ransomware attacks easier than ever before.

Enhanced RaaS Tools

Taking a cue from legitimate businesses, some capable coders have created ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) platforms that sell both basic and customized attack tools to interested parties. The result is a win-win for hackers: They take money up-front from buyers while simultaneously reducing their risk since they’re not actually carrying out the attacks. Many RaaS marketplaces now resemble more familiar eCommerce offerings. Attack designers offer promotions, sales, and even customer support to keep clients coming back.

Expanded Attack Surfaces

Ransomware is also on the rise, thanks to expanding attack surfaces. With more potential avenues of attack — via mobile connections, internet of things (IoT) networks, or open-source software deployments — attackers can pick and choose their preferred compromise method. This reality is forcing IT staff to look to secure multiple points of potential compromise.

Evolved Work Environments

With remote and hybrid work here to stay, businesses now face the challenge of securing networks both in the office and at a distance. For many, however, the abrupt initial shift to remote work created insecure frameworks that remain in use but lack proper protection.

What are the Common Attack Vectors?

The constant evolution of technology means that attackers are always exploring new avenues of compromise. For example, the rise in open source software and application programming interfaces (APIs) has changed how businesses design and develop new services while simultaneously expanding the attack surface.

Despite occasional boundary-pushing, however, most attackers prefer to stick with tried-and-true ransomware vectors.

Remote desktop protocol (RDP)

The remote desktop protocol makes it possible for administrators to access servers and desktops anywhere, anytime. But RDP also opens the door to ransomware attacks. If malicious actors steal legitimate account credentials, they can leverage RDP to access networks, install ransomware, and leave without detection.


In 2020 alone, bad actors created almost seven million phishing emails and scam pages. Using promises of COVID vaccines or masquerading as instructions from C-suite executives, these emails create a compromise point for ransomware. If attackers can convince users to click on malicious links or provide account information, they can infiltrate networks and deploy ransomware.

Software vulnerabilities

Open-source software tools and APIs make it possible for companies to streamline software development and put them at risk of unknown or zero-day vulnerabilities. If attackers compromise unreported issues, they can gain network access and encrypt data before teams have a chance to respond.

DDoS attacks

Distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are now being used in concert with ransomware. In some cases, cybercriminals hit companies with DDoS attacks and demand ransom for restoration of services. In others, DDoS efforts are used as a distraction while ransomware is deployed.

Combatting the Rise of Ransomware Attacks

To combat the rise of ransomware, companies are best served with a multi-step approach designed to reduce both the initial risk and overall impact of ransomware threats.

Step 1: Identify Your Assets

First, pinpoint what you need to protect on your network. Think of the most critical assets as the “crown jewels” of your organization. Where are they located, and how are they currently defended?

Step 2: Prioritize Your Vulnerabilities

Next, conduct a security assessment — either in-house or using a third party — to determine where your risks lie. While on-site IT teams have greater familiarity with your network, using in-house personnel may be a security drawback because they may not recognize potential vulnerabilities. By contrast, third-party evaluators can often attack your network in unexpected ways to discover new or undiscovered weaknesses.

Step 3: Secure Your Workforce

Without a secure workforce, efforts at ransomware reduction won’t be effective. Addressing this issue requires the use of tools such as virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect connections and data. You should also deploy zero-trust security solutions that require two (or more) factor authentication and include robust identity and access management (IAM).

Step 4: Reduce Your Response Time

When attacks occur, you need to react ASAP. This rapid response requires the use of advanced cybersecurity solutions that help unify infosec response with end-to-end visibility that empowers teams to react in real-time.

Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe

Ransomware isn’t going anywhere. Attackers are constantly looking for new ways to compromise systems or leveraging tried-and-true methods to slip past IT security. Add in the risk of RaaS, increasing attack surfaces, and hybrid work, and it’s clear that companies need defensive strategies capable of finding, detecting, and defeating ransomware attacks no matter what form they take and no matter what vector they use.

Ready to ramp up your ransomware defense? Click here and see how Red Seal can help.

RedSeal Opens Stratus Early Adopter Program to Security Teams Struggling with Cloud Security

Stratus — a SaaS-based Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) solution — addresses dangers of exposure and unintended access issues; Free webinar and demo on December 8

SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RedSeal today introduced its Stratus Early Adopter Program, which provides select customers and prospects the opportunity to evaluate the company’s new SaaS-based Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) solution. The new Stratus SaaS offering is focused on providing visibility to cloud and Kubernetes inventory and determining exposed resources in cloud and hybrid cloud environments.

Implementing security controls for cloud environments now extends beyond the responsibility of traditional network security teams, and today includes application developers and DevOps teams. These controls must also consider workload containerization such as Kubernetes, and native offerings from Cloud Security Providers such as Amazon Web Services. As a result, there is exponential growth and pervasiveness of misconfigurations, which put high value resources at risk of unintended exposure to the Internet.

Current members of the Stratus Early Adopter Program represent enterprises ranging from banking and financial services firms, to federal government agencies and high-tech companies. These users have reported benefiting from Stratus’ ability to easily see both exposure and conductivity in and across all accounts in a single view.

Security challenges in the cloud have become so prevalent that Gartner has defined CSPM as a new category of security products designed to identify misconfiguration issues and risks in the cloud. As a CSPM, RedSeal Stratus helps security teams better manage this increased risk by:

  • Immediately identifying which resources are unintentionally exposed to the Internet due to misconfigurations
  • Visualizing their complete AWS cloud architecture to truly understand connectivity between and within cloud resources
  • Understanding their Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) inventory and identifying overly permissive user and service accounts

“Everyone knows that visibility is critical for CSPM to meet its full potential, but very few vendors are delivering on this promise,” said Bryan Barney, RedSeal CEO. “What makes visibility so powerful is the true calculation of access and exposure, and not simply the reliance on CSP settings. With RedSeal Stratus, we are now providing the most accurate, reliable and actionable approach to calculating access and exposure in the cloud.”

RedSeal Stratus is currently focused on AWS cloud environments. Recognizing the demand for better security posture management across Microsoft Azure and Kubernetes environments, Stratus will evolve to support these platforms early next year, making Stratus a complete, robust CSPM solution. Participants of the Stratus Early Adopter Program are eligible for a free 6-month subscription to RedSeal Stratus, with up to 3,000 EC2 instances.

Stratus Webinar and Demonstration

RedSeal will be hosting a free webinar for customers and prospects interested in joining the Stratus Early Adopter Program. The online event will take place on Tuesday, December 8th at 11:00am PST and will provide an exclusive overview of RedSeal’s new SaaS-based CSPM solution. The webinar will cover how RedSeal Stratus can help security teams better manage increased cloud security risks with:

  • Complete and up-to-date visualization of cloud infrastructure
  • Detailed knowledge of Amazon EKS accounts and policies
  • Out-of-the-box dashboard that identifies resources that exposed to the Internet

Click here to register for the free event.

About RedSeal

RedSeal — a security solutions and professional services company — helps government agencies and Global 2000 companies see and secure their on-premise networks and cloud environments. RedSeal Stratus, the company’s SaaS CSPM solution, gives an integrated view of cloud security posture through visualization of cloud-native and Kubernetes controls, and shows which resources are unintentionally exposed to the Internet. RedSeal’s Classic product brings in all network environments — public and private clouds as well as on-premises. This award-winning security solution verifies that networks align with security best practices, validates network segmentation policies, and continuously monitors compliance with policies and regulations. It also prioritizes mitigation based on each vulnerability’s associated risk. The company is based in San Jose, Calif. Follow RedSeal on Twitter and LinkedIn.