Digital Resilience – What You Can Do Now

Soundview Magazine | March 27, 2019

In our increasingly digital world, we are all targets of hackers and fraudsters. To survive, we must use some best practices to ensure our resilience. I use the word resilience rather than security deliberately. Security is about trying to stop the bad guys. Resilience is what you do when one of them—inevitably—gets in. It’s about identifying the problem and neutralizing it, even as you continue to do business. It’s also about recovery, quickly and productively, stronger than ever.

To regain control both in feeling and fact requires that we become resilient in our digital lives. Here’s how.

How to better manage your brain and your business

Acuity Magazine | March 26, 2019

Today’s digital networks are no longer an adjunct to business, they have become the substance of it. If you are not ensuring your company is prepared for a cyber threat you could be in for some nasty surprises.

Ray Rothrock is one of America’s leading cybersecurity experts and warns that if your business is connected to the internet, it’s at risk. Cybersecurity must be seen as an integral part of an organisation – not a reluctant expense instigated by the IT department.

Top 10 Must-Read Books on Information Security in 2019

Sensors Tech Forum | March 27, 2019

8. Digital Resilience: Is Your Company Ready for the Next Cyber Threat?

This is one of the most current works on cyber threats, written in 2018, and only recently published. The author is currently the CEO of RedSeal, a cybersecurity consulting company.

The great thing about this book is that it is quite non-technical. It is really written for non-techie management and leadership who may not understand all of the jargon and processes.

Reality check: why brittle AI security is no match for a wily attacker…yet

SC Magazine UK | March 22, 2019

It’s 2019 and the world and his dog is shouting about the wonders of artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber security. Nearly three-quarters of organizations have implemented projects with at least some element of AI in them, according to one new piece of research. And over half of security professionals responding to another poll said such tools are “essential” to helping them detect attacks before they’ve had a chance to impact the organization.

On Norman Castles and the Internet

Dark Reading | March 15, 2019

By RedSeal CTO Dr. Mike Lloyd

When the Normans conquered England, they built castles to maintain security. But where are the castles of the Internet?

I recently had the pleasure of attending the ninth annual Workshop on Internet Economics (WIE) at the University of California, San Diego. It might not seem a likely place to discuss English castles after the Norman Conquest, but that turned out to be a strong analogy for the security challenges of our modern Internet.

By working together, our government can provide a unified front in the face of an evolving threat landscape

Nexgov | March 8, 2019

By RedSeal Federal CTO Wayne Lloyd

During the recent State of the Union address, President Trump spoke of many threats that face our nation, however, he missed a big one. Cyberattacks from China, Russia, Iran, other nation-state actors and cyber criminals alike are on the rise and have the potential to impact industry, our economy and the government functions many rely on. Cybersecurity is a growing part of our national security and the federal government must take steps to improve our preparedness and response times.

Venture Capitalist Ray Rothrock on WNPV’s AM Edition

WNPV’s AM Edition | March 1, 2019

RedSeal CEO Ray Rothrock joined Darryl Berger of Philadelphia’s WNPV for their morning drivetime program “AM Edition.” Ray discusses the evolving threats in cybersecurity, resilience in the physical and cyber world, and his book “Digital Resilience: Is Your Company Ready for the Next Cyber Threat?”

How AI cybersecurity thwarts attacks — and how hackers fight back

TechTarget  | February 19, 2019

As our digital lives get more automated, integrated and connected, the security risks increase as well; 2018 was full of hacks and privacy scandals, ranging from healthcare breaches to blunders by Facebook and Google.

Cybersecurity is more important than ever, and many experts are using AI to take that security to the next level. For CIOs, the critical questions are: How much security can AI provide, and what should the realistic expectations of AI cybersecurity be?


We’re All Going to Get Hacked

Harvard Business School  | February 13, 2019

In November 2014, Sony Pictures suffered a massive, high-profile data breach, with hackers breaking in and stealing everything from confidential employee data to unreleased films. And not long after, on a Saturday morning, Ray Rothrock’s cell phone rings. Rothrock (MBA 1988) is the CEO of the cybersecurity firm Red Seal, and a higher-up at Sony was looking for his help. After the breach, he told Rothrock, the company essentially hit factory reset on their entire network. The phones were down. They were doing payroll by handwritten checks. They had burned it all down. And now they needed someone to help them rebuild it.

Why Digital Resilience Is The Most Important Cyber Metric for 2019

Government Technology Insider  | January 19, 2019

The cybersecurity industry is not generally known for the quality of its metrics. In a field where the absence of something happening is the best possible result, it’s been hard to find a meaningful way to communicate how prepared an organization is to withstand a cyber attack, or even to tell if a cyber team is getting better at what it does.